Fat Shamed at the Gym


I recently had a chance to read the below article about a guy who’s a bit over-weight who was made to feel bad about himself because of his weight.  Have a read:


Now of course I have several things wrong with this article.. not the least the reaction of the muscle-bound narciscist who’d fat-shamed the author when he’d invited him to going him for a baseball game.

Not a date. Not sex. Not a romantic dinner for two.  A freakin’ baseball game.

Obviously, the author probably was hoping for more than just two ‘bros’ hanging out at the game, but that’s not the way it came across in his invitation.  He just seemed to be trying to be friendly.

And in my opinion, the author had every right to feel bad after the muscle guy tried to ‘fat-shame’ him.  And kudos to him for being able to shed about 100 lbs, and looking to work off a bit more.  It’s never an easy thing to do, and the older you get the harder it is to lose the weight.

Trust me on that one…

One thing I did have an issue with in the article is how the author seemed to buy into society’s view of what is healthy or fit or ‘fat’.  And from a chubby guy’s point of view, it’s like he’s ‘fat-shaming’ himself and anyone else who doesn’t have a trim waist.

He said he was 5’10” and about 200 lbs.. now while that isn’t what society considers as fit or standardly healthy, it isn’t obese either.  Or maybe he’s just going on what he feels is own ideal weight.

When I’d first opened this article, I was hoping for something a bit more enlightening surrounding the experience of being a bigger guy going to a gym.. but instead of being encouraging, the author just allowed himself to buy into the usual sterepotypes of gays in the gym – that they’re only there to hook up.

I’m sure a gym can be a very social place and a great way to meet new people, but if you’re there to focus on exercising, cruising the other guys isn’t going to help you meet your goals in the end.

But perhaps that’s my own insecurities surounding going to a gym getting the better of me.  I haven’t stepped inside a gym in about 3 years, and it had been a good decade before then…

I keep telling myself I’m going to join a gym to help boost my weight loss – especially as it’s ground to a halt after returning from holidays.  I have been trying to keep up my daily walking, with goals to hit 40 minutes or 6000 steps a day, whichever one comes first.

But that’s been a bit hit and miss most days, and my diet hasn’t exactly been the best either… but it’s not bad like it used to be, though I do have my days.  I seem to be alright throughout the day, especially at work, but at night the desire to snack kicks in.

It’s not like I don’t know what I need to do to lose the weight, or what foods I should or shouldn’t eat.  I think at times it’s more about will-power and the feeling like whatever I’m doing it isn’t making much of a difference.

It’s hard when you’re sitting there munching on celery and counting every calorie when the skinny people around you are chowing down on crisps or McDonalds with a care in the world.. and they never seem to gain a single pound.

(yes… I know it’s all about metabalisms and activity levels.. just venting my frustrations and how stressed it makes me.)

Before my holidays I’d lost about 25 lbs, and have surprisingly kept it off a month later which is fantastic.  My goal is to lose another 40 – 50 lbs, which would bring me back to the weight I was abpout 5 years ago.

Just wish there was an easier way to do it.. I hate going to a gym.

Damn, I’m lazy LOL

5 thoughts on “Fat Shamed at the Gym

  1. A very good post, Martin, and I appreciate your commentary about the article that you referenced. I had a problem with the article myself but with issues different from yours. Shaming anyone is the same as bullying and neither have a place in any society. Such a limited view of others, for whatever reason is xenophobic, unhealthy and hateful.

    You’ll deal with your perceived weight issues when you’re motivated to do so. The walks are a good idea especially now that the weather is nice. I regularly workout at a local gym but often get bored doing so.

    Thanks for publishing this. Naked hugs!

    • Thanks for commenting, Roger. Everyone will always see things differently based on their experiences and their situation at the time. I just found the author’s point of view to be too narrow-minded in that in his eyes, the only way anyone will love you is if you fit a certain mold… and his gym buddy obviously thought the same.
      Do I think I’d have an easier time of things dating-wise if I was thinner? Perhaps… but if someone is only attracted to me because of my body shape and not my mind/personality/heart etc, then I’m not interested. And yes, the same goes for chubby chasers currently. Lol
      Anyway.. time will tell how things goes with my own weight struggles. I just enjoy food too much 😄

      • Ahhh I thank you so much Roger! More than anything it’s my own insecurities regarding my weight that holds me back I think.. The guys I find attractive aren’t attracted to someone with my body type, so I tend to not even try. But there are always exceptions to the rule 😀

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