17 Practical Gay Dating Tips for the New Age | My Mental Medley


gay men kissingI found this list through a link on Facebook, and thought it would be great to share on here.. since I’ve shared my own tips on gay dating over the past while.

Please click the link below to have a look (this is a reblog, obviously lol) and enjoy.  I’ll be interested to hear your thoughts on the list as well.

17 Practical Gay Dating Tips for the New Age | My Mental Medley.

3 thoughts on “17 Practical Gay Dating Tips for the New Age | My Mental Medley

  1. aguywithoutboxers

    Always relevant, my blogging friend! We never can get too much of useful information. Much love and naked hugs!

  2. ivansblogworld

    Excellent read, it all sounds so damn complicated. Date could mean meal or drink then a shag. Date could mean discovering you are super man. Date could mean so many things. To me a date should mean getting to know someone and that does not mean the future is the 2.3 children volvo and picket fence. Do we not overthink too much. However I am not in the dating world and so the way I see it is not from the target market, being a man and being gay is complicated enough. Thanks for a good read and hope you doing okay. Ivan.

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